Property Taxes and Supplemental Tax Bills

Property Taxes and Supplemental Tax Bills

UNDERSTANDING PROPERTY TAXES AND SUPLEMENTAL BILLS Property taxes can be confusing, especially to a first-time home buyer.  Many questions new property owners ask are: How much tax can I expect to pay?When are taxes due?Does my lender pay the property taxes or do...
Understanding the Loan Process

Understanding the Loan Process

UNDERSTANDING THE RESIDENTIAL LOAN PROCESS FOR 1-4 UNITS Acronyms: LE – Loan Estimate CD – Closing Disclosure TRID – Truth-in-Lending, Respa, Integrated Disclosure RESPA – Real Estate Settlement Procedure Act Step 1:  Once the lender has taken a loan application...
Steps of an Escrow

Steps of an Escrow

STEPS OF AN ESCROW Step 1:  Escrow Officer receives a fully-executed contract in Escrow. What is a “fully-executed contract?  If using a CAR Purchase Agreement and Joint Escrow Instructions, a complete contract will be: Signed by both Buyer(s) and...
What is Escrow?

What is Escrow?

WHAT IS ESCROW? To new Buyers and even new Agents, being “in Escrow” on a property can be an intimidating and scary place. After all, a transaction that “Fell out of Escrow” is a transaction that could not be completed, leaving disappointed Buyer, Seller and of course...
Cyber Safety

Cyber Safety

CYBER SAFETY TIPS Wire Fraud and Cyber Crime is a serious concern and constant threat in any real estate transaction.  Please note safety measures that Buyers, Sellers and Agents can take to reduce potential loss: Agents – insist that Escrow Holder contact your...