Property Taxes and Supplemental Tax Bills

Property Taxes and Supplemental Tax Bills

UNDERSTANDING PROPERTY TAXES AND SUPLEMENTAL BILLS Property taxes can be confusing, especially to a first-time home buyer.  Many questions new property owners ask are: How much tax can I expect to pay?When are taxes due?Does my lender pay the property taxes or do...
Understanding the Loan Process

Understanding the Loan Process

UNDERSTANDING THE RESIDENTIAL LOAN PROCESS FOR 1-4 UNITS Acronyms: LE – Loan Estimate CD – Closing Disclosure TRID – Truth-in-Lending, Respa, Integrated Disclosure RESPA – Real Estate Settlement Procedure Act Step 1:  Once the lender has taken a loan application...
Steps of an Escrow

Steps of an Escrow

STEPS OF AN ESCROW Step 1:  Escrow Officer receives a fully-executed contract in Escrow. What is a “fully-executed contract?  If using a CAR Purchase Agreement and Joint Escrow Instructions, a complete contract will be: Signed by both Buyer(s) and...
What is Escrow?

What is Escrow?

WHAT IS ESCROW? To new Buyers and even new Agents, being “in Escrow” on a property can be an intimidating and scary place. After all, a transaction that “Fell out of Escrow” is a transaction that could not be completed, leaving disappointed Buyer, Seller and of course...
Cyber Safety

Cyber Safety

CYBER SAFETY TIPS Wire Fraud and Cyber Crime is a serious concern and constant threat in any real estate transaction.  Please note safety measures that Buyers, Sellers and Agents can take to reduce potential loss: Agents – insist that Escrow Holder contact your...


FIRPTA 101 WHAT IS FIRPTA? FIRPTA is the acronym for Foreign Investment Real Property Tax Act.  This Act was established in 1980 to authorize the United States to tax foreign persons on “dispositions” of U.S. real property interests.  Dispositions being a...